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1. When is the best time
to have sex in order to get pregnant? When you
have calculated your ovulation it is best to start Tea-length mother of the groom and bride dresses look vintage
having sex about 3 days before because sperm ...
can live in the vagina for up to five days. Since
the egg is only able to be fertilized for 12 - 24
hours it is important to have sperm available at
that short time frame.
2.What happens if the semen (sperm) comes
back out of the vagina? Nothing happens. It is
supposed to come out. The vagina is not a
sponge. There are 200 million sperm cells
released and some will get through the cervix
and others will come out. It is natural. You will
still get pregnant if you have sex at the right
3. Can you get pregnant from the precum (the
small amount of liquid that comes out of the
penis as soon as it erects)? Sometimes there are
sperm cells in the precum. If a man has
masturbated before sex (and some men do)
there will be sperm in the canal. It is an
unnecessary risk. If you are rubbing naked bodies
together and the sperm gets near the vagina and
the area is wet, it can happen. Be smarter than

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